Worship & Music

Worship Leaders

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are worship leaders who read lessons, lead prayers, and assist with administering the sacraments of bread and wine during Holy Communion at Sunday and special services. Lectors are worship leaders who read one of the lessons at Sunday and special services. Ushers help greet parishioners and with the general flow of the service.

For the training manual for all liturgical ministers, click here: St. Timothy’s Training.


St. Timothy’s Choir

The St. Timothy’s Adult Choir leads the 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist each week during the program year, which runs from September to June. The choir rehearses on Thursdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. We sing a wide variety of music including chant, Renaissance motets, Anglican repertoire, spirituals, Psalmody, and contemporary sacred choral music. We welcome anyone, in grade 7 and older, with an interest in music, choral singing, and dedication to our ministry to join.

Our choir adds music to the 10:00 a.m. services from September – June. During the summer months, a more informal “pickup” choir sings on Sundays.


St. Timothy’s J.D. Moore Pipe Organ

Beginning in 2004 the Organ Committee started studying the options to deal with our failing, 1870 J. D. Moore Tracker pipe organ.  The study, which took four years, resulted in the recommendation to replace the organ.  The Gifts to Glorify the Lord campaign started in 2011 to raise funds for both this project and for a reserve fund to cover large, anticipated building operational costs.   After much research it was decided to refurbish the Moore organ instead of replacing it.  You may view the history of the pipe organ and the Gifts to Glorify the Lord campaign by clicking on Gifts to Glorify the Lord.

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