
We serve the poorest people in our area (Herndon/Reston). We contribute to the local Hypothermia Shelter and LINK, the local food pantry. We work actively with Cornerstones of Reston to provide for the needs of those in our community, and our Service Ministry provides opportunities for helping those in need throughout the year through events like our school supply drives, Christmas Angel Tree, and our Lenten outreach projects.

We serve the poorest people in our nation. Since May 2003 we have conducted over a dozen mission trips to the Lakota people of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

We serve the poorest people in our hemisphere. Since 2011, we have conducted mission trips to the people of Chapoteau, Haiti. We support a school in this poorest region of the poorest country in our hemisphere, paying teachers’ salaries, conducting building repair and extension projects, and renewing our friendship with the community in Chapoteau.

Service Ministry has also gathered books for Clearview Elementary, been involved in Backpack meals for students, and collected items for the Herndon Senior Center. Service Ministry also responds to current crises that occur around the world: for example, last year we had a collection for Afghan relief.

It is our mission to alleviate suffering and spread love, for “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). The Service Ministry is actively putting our faith to work in so many ways. Please contact the Service Ministry at service@saint-timothys.org if you have any questions.

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