The link to the left will lead you to our secure giving platform with multiple options around which ministry to give to, frequency, etc.

CLICK on the IMAGE BELOW to read more about the Endowment Fund at St. Timothy’s. 

CLICK on the IMAGE BELOW to read about the impact that your giving has at St. Timothy’s and beyond.


Saint Timothy’s uses annual financial commitments made through pledging to budget for the coming year and to plan for the distribution of resources which support dozens of ministries. Your pledge amount may be adjusted at any time during the year. Please download a pledge card and return it via email, postal service mail, drop off at the church office, or during a service.

Why Give?

St. Timothy’s entire operating budget comes from your donations. Your donations keep the church in good repair so that numerous recovery and mission groups can meet; employ our staff so they can serve us and the larger community; and support our ministries to work locally, nationally, and internationally to help the poorest of the poor.

All we are and everything we have is a gift from God, a sacred trust. As stewards of God’s providence we are called to exercise fearless generosity, learn to live more simply, and be God’s hands and feet in a broken world.

You may make donations via cash, check payable to St. Timothy’s, electronic fund transfer, bank check, or credit card. Thank you for your support of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church and its mission!

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