Get Involved

God’s community at St. Timothy’s is richly blessed with wonderful people of different ages, interests, and talents. We invite you to join in and share in the ministries and activities of this vibrant, growing and caring place. At St. Timothy’s, we seek to draw closer to one another and to Christ as we worship, praise, sing, laugh, cry, serve, learn and play together. The following overview of our ministries and activities will give you an idea of the many opportunities available to and for you in this community of faith.


Care & Support

Pastoral Care Ministry

Seeks to provide assistance with emotional and spiritual caring and support needs within the parish and beyond.

  • Funeral Receptions: Volunteers who offer support for small receptions following funerals at St. Timothy’s.
  • Pastoral Care Ministry Teams: Trained lay teams assist the clergy with pastoral care outreach in the parish, including lay Eucharistic visits to home- and hospital-bound, as-needed occasional meals and rides to church, care and sympathy cards, etc.
  • Prayer Ministry: Offers intercessory prayers and thanksgivings for parishioners, family, friends and others in need of prayers.
  • Shawl Ministry: Knits or crochets shawls, lap robes, blankets, etc. for those in need of comfort with the message of love, hope and healing. We do outreach within the parish and in the name of the church through numerous organizations such as Healthworks, Virginia Family Services, Insight Memory Care, to name a few. For the past few years we have also been presenting baby blankets as each baby is baptized at our church. Our group is always welcoming new members and is most ready to teach anyone to knit or crochet to continue our work.

Christian Education and Faith Formation

Godly Play

Teaches age 3 (potty trained) – 2nd graders the art of using religious language through parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action. Occurs during 10am service on Sunday mornings.
Learn more

Vacation Bible School

One week (half-day) fun and educational Bible-themed event held during July at St. Timothy’s.

Adult Faith Formation Programs

Plans/coordinates yearly offerings of adult Christian Education program offerings, including presentations, one-time and ongoing small group discussions, Advent and Lenten series events, etc.

Estudios Bíblicos (en español)

Spanish language Bible study, held online on Tuesdays from 7 – 8 pm. Contact for more information.

St. Timothy’s Preschool

A non-profit social outreach program of St. Timothy’s, providing a loving and nurturing human environment for children ages three – five. The award-winning St. Timothy’s Preschool has been a presence in the community since 1975. Visit

Fellowship and Parish Life

Community Engagement

Community Engagement seeks to connect St. Timothy’s with the outside world, and vice versa! Contact Community Engagement here.

Men of St. Timothy’s (MOST)

Encourages fellowship with once-monthly breakfasts at Virginia Kitchen and performs service projects as needed; for all men of St. Timothy’s. Contact Hal to learn more about MOST.


Volunteers take photos of various events at St. Timothy’s for use on the website, the bulletin, the monthly newsletter, and other communications venues. When possible, photos are also taken at baptisms and provided to parents as a gift from St. Timothy’s.

Shrine Mont Parish Weekend Retreat

Once a year members of St. Timothy’s spend a weekend at Shrine Mont in the beautiful Shenandoah Mountains in Orkney Springs, VA, less than two hours from Herndon. This parish event offers a time of renewal, rest, reflection, and fun. It is a welcome break from the stress of everyday life and a great opportunity to get to know fellow parishioners better in a relaxed setting. This event it open to everyone (all ages, families, singles, etc.).

Hospitality Ministry

Brings the congregation together for fellowship during Sunday coffee hours and at other special events, such as a reception during the yearly Bishop’s visit.

Outreach and Service


We serve the poorest people in our area (Herndon/Reston). We contribute to the local Hypothermia Shelter and LINK, the local food pantry. We work actively with Cornerstones of Reston to provide for the needs of those in our community, and our Service Ministry provides opportunities for helping those in need throughout the year through events like our school supply drives, Christmas Angel Tree, and our Lenten outreach projects.

We serve the poorest people in our nation. Since May 2003 we have conducted over a dozen mission trips to the Lakota people of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

We serve the poorest people in our hemisphere. Since 2011, we have conducted mission trips to the people of Chapoteau, Haiti. We support a school in this poorest region of the poorest country in our hemisphere, paying teachers’ salaries, conducting building repair and extension projects, and renewing our friendship with the community in Chapoteau.

Service Ministry

Engages the congregation in living their faith by serving others through local and global outreach. Learn more

  • THE CLOSET:  845 Station Street, Herndon helps low-income families by selling used clothing and household items at affordable prices. Volunteers from St. Timothy’s work at The Closet one or two days a month for 3 hours.
  • CORNERSTONES (Formerly Reston Interfaith) promotes self-sufficiency by providing support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, quality childcare, and other services. St. Timothy’s supports Cornerstones with funds, volunteers and donated goods. Programs we support through Cornerstones annually include: Hypothermia Shelter meals, school backpack collection, and Angel Tree holiday gifts. For more info, go to: Cornerstones – Hope for tomorrow today (
  • LINK is a local food pantry comprised of 15 member churches that serves Herndon, Sterling and Ashburn.  In addition to deliveries of food to families in need, LINK also holds a monthly food pantry and distributes annual holiday food baskets, coats and toys.  LINK makes over 250 food deliveries to families per month and over 1000 families during the Holiday Basket season.  St. Timothy’s supports LINK with food donations, packing bags of food, coordinating food deliveries and assisting with collection and distribution of the holiday baskets.

Sustaining Our Church

Building and Grounds Ministry

A volunteer organization that maintains and updates the buildings and the 8.5 acre property of Saint Timothys. Meets the fourth Saturday of the month at 10 am in the church’s narthex. Attendance is not required – Just help where you can, as you’d like, and we’ll be better off for it. To report a problem, click here. To volunteer to assist with the building and grounds, click here.

Communications Ministry

Collects, creates and disseminates information about St. Timothy’s both within and outside the church. Contact “Comms” here:

Finance Ministry

Responsible, at the direction of the Vestry, for creating and maintaining the church budget. Contact the finance committee here:

Office Volunteers

Office volunteers give time and talent to assist the Parish Administrator with a variety of tasks.

Seminarian Lay Committee

Provides guidance and feedback to second- and third-year seminary students serving at St. Timothy’s.

Stewardship Ministry

Encourages parishioners to support St. Timothy’s mission and ministry through generous giving of time, talent, wisdom and treasure. Contact Kent Miller concerning stewardship.


Elected members of the congregation responsible for oversight of financial and temporal issues of the parish community. Learn more

Diocesan Delegates

Represent St. Timothy’s at Diocesan and Region V meetings.

Worship and Music


Provides training and support for young people and adults serving as servers, crucifers, and torchbearers.

Adult Choir

Provides choral support in the form of hymns and anthems at the 10:00 am service each Sunday and at special services. Learn more

Altar Guild

Ensures that God’s house is in order, beautiful, and prepared for worship. The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for services and cleans up afterwards, arranges flowers for regular and special services, and provides care for the altar, vessels and linens and vestments used in worship. Contact the altar guild:

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Assist with reading lessons, leading prayers, and serving Holy Communion at Sunday and special services.


Assist with reading lessons at Sunday and special services.

Spanish Speaking Service

Our Spanish Speaking congregation meets at 7pm in the Sanctuary for Holy Eucharist. Contact

St Isidore’s Guild

Provides technical audio-visual support to livestream our Sunday services as well as other event. Contact St. Isidore’s for more info..


Ushers hand out bulletins, invite orderly procession to the altar for communion, and assist the congregation at all worship services by handing out service programs, taking up an offertory collection, assisting attendees to the railing for communion, and many other tasks. Contact Gerrit for more info on Ushers.


Assist the clergy and staff with planning/implementing logistical details for Sunday worship and other special services. Contact Keith for more info on Vergers

Sponsored Organizations/Groups

Addiction Recovery Groups

St. Timothy’s hosts a number of Recovery Groups, with meetings 7 days a week. For meeting times and locations, please see the Calendar.

Boy Scout Troop 159

Sponsored by (and meeting at) St. Tim’s, the troop seeks to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. This includes service both to the Church and the surrounding community.


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