by John Druitt | Oct 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
by John Druitt | Oct 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
2021 Pledge card-Adult annual English-Spanish by Elaine Horsfield | Dec 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Junior faculties give you a exceptional get started for a few individuals who’re exploring for superior education if to assist their professions or simply to find pleasure on someone amount in life. There is a lot of excellent projects in proficient fields and... by Genevieve Zetlan | Dec 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
by Genevieve Zetlan, Licensed Lay Preacher Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 Welcome to Trinity Sunday! If there’s anything that’s hard for non-Christians, or even most Christians to understand about our idea of God, it’s the Trinity. Our Nicean Creed... by Genevieve Zetlan | Dec 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
by Genevieve Zetlan, Licensed Lay Preacher Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 Psalm 124 James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50 It’s really tough for us to get on board with the idea of plucking out an eye. Mark is the earliest of our four Gospels, the one most concerned that the end... by Genevieve Zetlan | Dec 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
Genevieve Zetlan, Licensed Lay Preacher Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62: 6-14 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31 Mark 1:14-20 Prophets are uncomfortable people. There was a man when I was in college who carried around a giant cross – I have no idea how he lugged that thing about – and...