Living the Creed: Jesus is Lord

by Taylor Poindexter, Seminarian “My kingdom is not from this world.” Christ the King Sunday was proposed by Pope Pius after World War One. He saw that nationalism was at its height, and he saw people all over the world who were willing to die for ideologies such as...

Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist

by the Rev. Mark Michael, Interim Rector “And [God] gave skill to human beings that he might be glorified in his marvelous works.” Ecclesiasticus 38:6 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. “Down in Guatemala,” he told me, “I had to...

Endings and Beginnings

Rev. Mary Thorpe Good morning. I’m Mary Thorpe, Director of Transition Ministry for the Diocese of Virginia, and I am honored to be here with you as you begin your time of transition from the leadership of Father Brad to the next rector whom God has prepared for you....

The Transfiguration

The Rev. Leslie E. Chadwick 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 sildenafildosage Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9  I got a phone call at 7 AM from an 85-year-old 8 o’clocker asking if we were going to have church today.  I said,  “Well, Brad and I will be there, but I’m not...

La Transfiguración

Rev. Leslie E. Chadwick 2 Reyes 2:1-12 Salmo 50:1-6 Corintios 4:3-6 Marcos cost for viagra without insurance 9:2-9 “A veces pasas por situaciones en la vida que te dan la oportunidad de ver de que estas hecho.” Dos amistades diferentes me dijeron eso recientemente....
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